
Herman De Croo
Member of Flemish Parliament
Minister of State
Former speaker of the House
Honorary Mayor
Civil status: Belgian, married to barrister Françoise Desguin, 2 children
Languages: Thorough knowledge of Dutch, French and English
Home address: Lepelstraat 57
9660 Brakel (Belgium)
Tel. : +32 (0)55 42 32 04 – Fax. : +32 (0)55 42 66 57
Office address: House of Representatives
1008 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel. : +32 (0)2 549 87 13 – Fax. : +32 (0)2 549 84 35
E-Mail :
Doctor of Law: Université Libre de Bruxelles (U.L.B.), 1961, 1st class honours in five successive years
Bachelor of Political Science: Université Libre de Bruxelles (U.L.B.), 1960, 1st class honours in two successive years
Scholarship of the “Transporteurs belges au Congo” (1960)
Fulbright Scholarship “ Chicago Law School “ USA (1961-1962)
British Council Scholarship (1965) Study of English Parliamentary Law
De Croo, Herman, m.m.v. Philippe Seigneur, Parlement et gouvernement : problèmes institutionnels à travers une session parlementaire, Brussel, Bruylant, 1965
De Croo, Herman & Robert Huenens, Het parlement aan het werk, Brussel, Bruylant, 1966
De Croo, Herman, De wereld volgens Herman De Croo, Antwerpen, Icarus, 1998
De Croo, Herman, België barst?: Vragen aan de separatisten – Que la Belgique crève? : Questions aux séparatistes, Tielt, Lannoo, 2008
De Croo, Herman & Karel Cambier, De Croo met twee nullen. 1001 Decrooïsmen, Roeselare, Roularta, 2009
De Croo, Herman, Geworteld in het leven. Mijn autobiografie, Tielt, Lannoo, 2018
De Croo, Herman, Enraciné dans la vie. Autobiographie, Brussel, Editions Racine, 2018
Prevenier, Walter (red.), Herman De Croo. Visionair liberaal. 50 jaar in het parlement. Een maatschappelijk bewogen leven, Gent / Brussel, Liberaal Archief/Liberas / VUBPRESS, 2018
Political career
Member of the Flemish Parliament (2014 – )
Elected MP, uninterrupted since March 1968 (Liberal MP for the district Aalst-Oudenaarde and now for the province of East Flanders)
Former Minister of National Education (1974-1977)
First Alderman (finance and personnel) of Brakel (merger of 8 councils) (1977-1982; 1994-2000)
Former Minister of Post, Telegram and Telecommunication (1980 and 1981-1985)
Former Minister of Pensions (1980)
Former Minister of Transport (1981-1985 and 1985-1988)
Former Minister of Foreign Trade (1985-1988)
Former Chairman of the V.L.D. (Flemish Liberal Party) (September 1995 – June 1997)
Member of the Crown Council (Minister of State, 3 June 1998)
Chairman of the Federal Advisory Committee on European Affairs (July 1999-July 2010)
Mayor of Michelbeke (1964-1971)
Member of the Bureau of the House of Representatives (since July 1999)
Mayor of Brakel (2000-2012)
Vice-President of the House of Representatives (12 July 2007- 23 April 2009)
Speaker of the House of Representatives (1st July 1999 – 12th July 2007)
Open VLD Group Leader in the House (July 2010 – July 2011)
European activities
Chairman of the European Council of Ministers of Foreign Trade (1987)
Chairman of the European Council of Ministers of Transport (1982 and 1987)
Chairman of the Extended Eurocontrol Commission (1987)
Chairman of the “Wise Men Committee” (1993-1994) on the crisis in the European aviation sector
Chairman of the European Transport Safety Council (1994 – )
Professional career
Barrister at the Oudenaarde Bar (1961 – )
Lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School (1961-1962)
Lecturer at the U.L.B. (1963 to 1968)
Associate Professor (1973)
Professor Emeritus of the Law faculty of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (V.U.B.) (1986-2005)
Former president of the Paul Hymans Centre (former Study Centre of the Belgian Liberal Party) (1978-2003)
President-Founder of the International Automobile Centre “Autoworld” (veteran cars collection) (1984 – )
President of (study and inventory of classical music) (1973 – )
President of the Princess Lilian Foundation (cardiology) (1986 – )
President of the EastWest Institute Advisory Council (2005 – )
President of the Belgian Reference Centre for the Expertise on Central Africa (2006 – )
Belgian Representative in the Reflection Group for OECD DAC (2008-2009)
Vice-President of the Carnegie Hero Fund Belgium
Grand Officer in the Order of Leopold (RD 05.11.1981)
Grand Cross in the Order of the Crown (RD 14.11.1991)
Civil Cross 1st Class (RD 13.05.1999)
France: Chevalier dans l’Ordre de la Légion d’Honneur
Sweden: Grand Cross of the Pole Star
The Comores Islands: Grand Officier du Croissant Vert
Mexico: Grand Croix de l’Aigle Aztèque
Norway: Grand Cross in the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit
Italy: Gran Cavaliere Merito
Korea: Gwanghua Medal of Diplomatic Merit
Portugal: Grand Cross in the Order of the Infante Henri
The Netherlands: Benelux Europe award 2005 and Grand Cross in the Orde van Oranje-Nassau
Kazakhstan: Doctor honoris causa at the University of Astana
Grand-Duche de Luxembourg: Grand Cross in the Ordre de la Couronne de Chène
Denmark: Grand Cross in the Dannebrogordenen
Finland: Grand Cross of Commander in the Order of the White Rose
Poland: Grand Cross in the Orde van Verdienste
Greece: Grand Cross in the Order of Honour